Providing a Path to

The Leva Foundation provides individuals with clear direction and a platform to successfully “enter the economy.” We outline and action their route to sustained employment, equipping them with the neccessary tools, training and potential to better their future.

Four Powerful Pillars

The Leva Foundation focuses on the development of four key pillars that empower and prepare individuals for future employment.


Interactive and educational mobile games that introduce children to coding concepts and digital technology.

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Teaching children to code through play

We develop interactive and educational games that introduce children to coding concepts and digital technology through our mobile platform.

Fun, interactive and inclusive games.

Tangible introduces children to coding concepts via games that are simple to understand and entertaining to play. Our multi-stage mobile platform is purposefully designed to facilitate group problem solving and promote digital competancy.

A world of benefits

Tangibl games are proven to be effective in the development of


Providing unemployed youth with the necessary training to become baristas with globally recognised skills.

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You subscribe, we train, a life is changed

We train unemployed youth to become coffee barristers, equipping them with a globally recognised skill and the potential of a better future.

1 Skill unlocks a world
of potential

The Red Band project educates and empowers. Our young graduates emerge with a new sense of confidence in themselves, their potential and their purpose. Acquiring  the  skill  to  make  global standard coffee fosters a desire to develop and showcase  other  innate  talents,  and  instills  a  belief  that they can not only better their own life, but that of their families and communities as well.

2 Clear routes to employment

Coffee barristers are in massive demand both locally and globally. We have the the potential to place x amount of Red Band graduates throughout Africa every year via our two well established routes to employment.

Route 1

We place our trained baristas with industry icons such as Seattle Coffee Company, add name, add name. Our goal is to ensure all graduates are employed and valued long-term, consistently achieve managerial positions, and further expand their responsibilities and abilities.

Route 2

Outstanding graduates are offered a year’s placement at a Red Band Skills Bar as a result of special relationships with corporate partners willing to invest in their community. These companies launch an bar on premises coffee bar which our graduate baristas both manage and operate.

ReTrade: Transforming recyclables into essential goods and community empowerment.

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Empowering Communities Through Recycling

The ReTrade Project is a dynamic community-based recycling and social empowerment initiative focused on uplifting marginalized individuals by transforming recyclables into valuable commodities. This innovative project creates informal employment opportunities through a unique bartering system, where community members can exchange recyclable materials for essential goods such as food, toiletries, and clothing. By doing so, ReTrade promotes environmental responsibility while addressing immediate human needs.

Vision and Mission

ReTrade aims to restore hope and dignity to those in need by providing access to essential resources and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship. The project’s mission encompasses both immediate aid and long-term sustainability, achieved through educational programs, skills training, and a supportive trading environment.

Community Recycling
Trading Programme
Volunteer Outreach
Environmental Education

Community Impact

ReTrade empowers self-sufficiency and skill development, fostering community and environmental stewardship across cultural and socio-economic boundaries.

Join Us

Support the ReTrade Project by volunteering, donating, or participating in our programs. Together, we can build a more sustainable and compassionate community.

Connecting corporate business with promising youth in need of bursary funding.

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We make the connections between corporate business and the youth who are in need of bursary funding. We identify and screen all potential bursary candidates and facilitate the We make the connections between corporate business and the youth who are in need of connection between bursary holder and corporate business.

Skills Development

Accredited certificate in New Venture Creation (NQF 2 or 4) and Red Band acts as the host employer by placing leaners in our Red Band coffee bars.

Yes 4 Youth

Allows the corporate to gain a extra level on their BBEE scored when they sign up for the program.

Non-Profit Company (NPC) With A Level 1 BBBEEE Rating.

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NPC status allows LEVA Investments to hold shares in companies seeking to improve their BBBEEE ownership rating on their BBBEEE scorecard. The number of points awarded is dependent on the percentage share-hold.

All of the profits of LEVA Investments, derived from its shareholdings in various companies, will be 100% distributed to LEVA Foundation (PBO).

The beneficiaries of these distributions within LEVA Foundation are 100% black and 50% black females.

LEVA Investments meets all current rules for Broad-Based Ownership Schemes.

14 Day Job-Readiness Workshop.

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Work 4 a Living challenges the belief that “things will always be this way”.

This 14-day job-readiness workshop provides practical training and a new, positive framework from which individuals can find employment. By addressing two key frustrations experienced by employers: a lack of excellence and the attitude of entitlement, W4AL delivers valuable employees to the workplace. Because they have become a valuable asset, the door to employment opens for W4AL graduates.

W4AL Center Benefits

Accredited certificate in New Venture Creation (NQF 2 or 4) and Red Band acts as the host employer by placing leaners in our Red Band coffee bars.

Self Sustainability
Minimal Setup Coast
Low Operation Coast
Not Reliant on Funding Based Growth


Each W4AL center is run as a small business, most often by a hand-picked W4AL graduate. The modest enrolment fee, which creates a sense of value and is the first act in shifting ‘poverty mindset’, also creates an income model for the center.

Because centers align with schools, churches or universities for premises, start up and operational costs are minimal, supporting the long-term feasibility of each center. To ensure protection of the W4AL DNA, teachings have been captured on DVD, while trained facilitators conduct discussions, providing the dimension of human relationship.


After successful completion of the W4AL Job Readiness course, an array of Phase 2 skills courses awaits.

These courses are conducted either from physical W4AL centers, or accessed via the  web-based ECafé. These courses provide trade-specific training in areas with high employability.

There are 30 Phase 2 skills courses to choose from, catering to individual abilities and interests. Options include SMART Finance, Cashier, Merchandising, Office Administration, Computer Skills, Barista Training, among others.

Trusted by global partners

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